With great power comes great responsibility. With great responsibility comes great criticism. I have been Constable here in Smith County Precinct 4 for almost 3 years now. It’s been a wild ride. It’s had its ups and most certainly had it downs. But being Captain of the ship, I have manned the helm through calm waters and rough storms. I wanted to take a moment to tell my supporters thank you. I am so thankful to have you in my corner and to have your support. You have no idea how many phone calls I get, the late night call outs, 50 to 60 hour work weeks, meetings, budgets, etc. Running on little to no sleep somedays and doing all of that while trying to maintain a relationship with my family. With that being said, I know that’s part of the job, but I also chose to spend some of my holidays and weekends working patrol when most elected officials chose to take off. However, where there’s light, there’s always darkness. God will always guide your way. I wanted you to know, you make it possible to continue the job I do with your appreciation and words of encouragement. I'm very honored to be your constable and I ask for your support and your vote once again, to continue doing the good things I've done for Precinct 4.
Nobody knows what’s best for a community, better than someone who was born and raised in the community. As a kid, I grew up in Chapel Hill, played sports in Chapel Hill, enjoyed many days fishing on Horseshoe Club Lake, Jet Skiing on Lake Tyler, and running around our farm in Winona. I’ve been a Precinct 4 boy since the day I was born and I graduated as a Chapel Hill Bulldog. Being the hometown boy gives me an extra value that most don’t have as law enforcement. I’m vested in the community, connected with my citizens, and I love this place because it’s my home. You are all my family. This is why I serve, and this is why I’m asking for your vote. Nobody has your best interest at heart more than I, and our office reflects that on a daily basis.
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